The temporomandibular joint is the joint connecting the lower jaw to the skull (also known as TMJ). The temporomandibular joint is supported by muscles that make it possible to open and close the mouth. The pain, discomfort or tenderness in or around these joints are referred to as TMJ disorders. Symptoms of TMJ disorders include ear pain, fullness of the ears, dizziness, neck pain and headaches, biting problems (malocclusion), clicking sounds, or locked jaws.
Behaviours or conditions such as teeth grinding, previous fractures, trauma to the jaw and stress can lead to TMJ disorders:
Treatments for TMJ range from self-help advice practices to surgery. Surgery is recommended in situations where medical therapy has not been effective. Surgery should be considered as the last resort.
If you suspect you have TMJ, you should be certain before you start treating it. Keep in mind that a wide variety of possible conditions can cause TMJ symptoms. Experts trained in facial pain can help diagnose and treat TMJ. Here at Surrey, dentists have extensive experience of treating patients with TMJ. Book an appointment and find out how we can help you to manage and cure TMJ pain.
Please get in touch if you are concerned about any aspect of your dental health. We will treat you fairly and honestly - and we look forward to being able to help you.