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Link Between Periodontal Disease & Lung Disorders

10 June 2015

Periodontal disease is chronic inflammation that affects the gum and supporting tissues around the teeth. Research has associated gum disease with other health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Research has shown that bacteria, which has accumulated in the mouths of patients with periodontal disease, can cause respiratory infections and worsen existing lung conditions such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and emphysema.

Respiratory infections are thought to be acquired from particles containing bacteria travelling from the mouth and throat to the lungs.

The tested samples from mouth plaque have shown hugely toxic spices, giving way to the theory that these bacteria can easily move to the lungs and cause serious damages.

Researchers are investigating the relationship between oral bacteria and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) which cause the obstruction of airways. Patients with COPD have a weak immune system which makes it difficult to diminish the bacteria in the respiratory system.

The link between the periodontal disease and lung disorders does not have conclusive evidence. However, the association is strong enough to encourage anyone with respiratory disorders to have a thorough oral examination with dentists to examine the existence of gum disease and ensure steps taken to cure it.

It is easy to appreciate that with healthy gums the risk of developing respiratory disease is far less than when one has gum disease.

We stress the importance of regular dental check ups to prevent the development of gum disease. In your routine dental examination, the dental practitioner can assess your gum health and advise accordingly. Basic practice is daily thorough tooth brushing and flossing between the teeth.

If you need advice from our dentists regarding periodontal treatment issues or simply want to ask a question please do not hesitate to contact us.

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